
Week 4 Announcements

Sep 16


  • Project 1A was due last Tuesday, September 10, 11:59pm PT.
  • Project 1B is due next Friday, September 20, 11:59pm PT.
  • Remember that you can fill out an extension should you need one!
  • Check out the extension form, location at the top right of the CS168 website.


  • The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT
  • The midterm logistics form is due Monday, September 23
  • If you need DSP accommodations on the midterm, or you have a documented conflict and need to take the midterm at a different time, please fill out this form.


  • Check out the calendar for times and locations.
  • Please note that Arjun’s discussion room has changed to Wheeler 204!


  • Lecture attendance will be activated this week, you’ll earn extra credit if you come to lecture!
  • We will still live-stream, but attending remotely does not count for credit!
  • Lecture Zoom Link:, Meeting ID: 977 2242 1992, Passcode: 022040
  • If you attend in-person for the whole lecture, you’ll get credit (arriving a few minutes late, or leaving a few minutes early, is ok)

Office hours

  • Check out the calendar for the hours, some hours are a bit different from last week!
  • Specifically, Thursday and Friday will have extended office hours to account for Project 1B!
  • There’s a chance that some TAs may be online, so be aware that your ticket may be taken online even if you’re in person!

~ CS168 Course Staff 👻

Week 3 Announcements

Sep 9


  • Project 1A is due this Tuesday, September 10, 11:59pm PT.
  • Project 1B is due next Friday, September 20, 11:59pm PT.
  • Remember that you can fill out an extension should you need one!
  • Check out the extension form, location at the top right of the CS168 website.


  • The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT
  • The midterm logistics form is due Monday, September 23
  • If you need DSP accommodations on the midterm, or you have a documented conflict and need to take the midterm at a different time, please fill out this form.


  • Check out the calendar for times and locations.
  • We will have a worksheet from now on during discussions (can be found on the CS168 Website)
  • Discussion slides will be posted on the website soon.


Office hours

  • Check out the calendar for the hours, some hours are a bit different from last week!
  • There’s a chance that some TAs may be online, so be aware that your ticket may be taken online even if you’re in person!

~ CS168 Course Staff 👻

Week 2 Announcements

Sep 2



  • Discussions will be starting this week. Check out the calendar for times and locations.
  • Discussions for the first week will be relatively short (no worksheet), and will mainly go over concepts and conceptual ideas for the first project.


Office hours

  • Office hours have started this week! Check out the calendar for the hours.

~ CS168 Course Staff 🤖

Pre-Semester Announcements

Aug 16
  • The midterm and final exam dates on this website are confirmed. Everything else is subject to change.
  • If you have any questions, please email