Week 15 Announcements
Final Exam
- The final exam is Wednesday, December 18 from 8-11 AM.
- See the final exam logistics post for more details.
- If you have any requests, such as an alternate time, DSP accommodations, left-handed desk, please fill out the final exam logistics form before Monday, December 9.
Course Evaluations
- Course Evaluations have been released! Please fill them out so that our course can keep on improving!
- If more than 50% of the class fills it out by the deadline, we’ll offer up to 1 course point of extra credit.
- For your submission to count towards the extra credit threshold, you must fill out the evaluation by the official deadline (Sunday, December 15).
- Homework 6: Special Topics is due Friday, December 6.
Office Hours
- Check out the calendar for Office Hour times.
- There will be office hours during RRR Week.
- This week is the final week for discussions!
~ CS168 Course Staff 🦃️
Week 14 Announcements
- Homework 5: Datacenters is due Monday, November 25th.
- Tuesday, November 26th’s Guest Lecture will be worth two lectures of extra credit for attendance!
- There is no lecture this Thursday, November 28th. Happy Thanksgiving!
Office Hours
- There are no office hours this week due to Thanksgiving.
- There are no discussions this week due to Thanksgiving!
~ CS168 Course Staff 🦃️
Week 13 Announcements
- Homework 4: Applications, End-to-End was due Monday, November 18th.
- Homework 5: Datacenters will be released today or tomorrow and will be due Monday, November 25th.
- Tuesday, November 26th’s Guest Lecture will be worth two lectures of extra credit for attendance!
Office Hours
- We now have reduced office hours, from 3 hours a day to 2 hours a day on Monday Wednesday and Friday, since we don’t have any more projects after Project 3B.
- There are no office hours next week due to Thanksgiving.
- Check out the calendar on the website for specific times.
- There are no discussions next week due to Thanksgiving!
~ CS168 Course Staff 🦄
Week 12 Announcements
- Project 3B was due on Tuesday, November 12th.
- Remember that you can fill out an extension if needed!
- Homework 4: Applications, End-to-End has been released!
- The due date is Monday, November 18th.
Office Hours
- Check out the calendar on the website for office hour times this week.
- Starting next week we will have reduced office hours, from 3 hours a day to 2 hours a day on Monday Wednesday and Friday, since we won’t have any more projects after Project 3B.
- Check out the calendar on the website for specific times.
~ CS168 Course Staff 🐢
Week 11 Announcements
- Lecture attendance will be given out to everyone on Tuesday November 5th due to the election!
- Project 3 has been officially released!
- Project 3A is due on Friday, November 1st.
- Project 3B is due on Tuesday, November 12th.
- Remember that you can fill out an extension if needed!
- Anita will be covering for Jaewon’s discussion this week!
- All five discussions are still happening at their usual times/locations.
- There is no discussion next Monday due to Veteran’s day!
Office Hours
- Check out the calendar on the website for office hour times this week.
- There are no office hours next Monday due to Veteran’s day!
~ CS168 Course Staff 🫏
Week 10 Announcements
Mid-Semester Form
- Please fill out the Mid-Semester form with your feedback on how this class is going for you so far!
- 0.1% of extra credit post-curve will be given to all students if > 70% of students fill it out.
- 0.2% of extra credit post-curve will be given to all students if > 80% fill it out.
- The deadline to fill the form out is Friday, November 1st!
- Project 3 has been officially released!
- Project 3A is due on Friday, November 1st.
- Project 3B is due on Tuesday, November 12th.
- Remember that you can fill out an extension if needed!
- Homework 3: Transport is due Monday, October 28th.
~ CS168 Course Staff 🦏
Week 9 Announcements
- Grades have been released!
- Anita / Ian’s section on Tuesday, 1-2pm has been cancelled for the rest of the semester.
- Anita is now holding a new online discussion section on Wednesday from 2-3 PM from now on!
- Check out Edstem for the zoom link to the meeting.
- Project 3 will officially be released later this week.
- Project 3A is due on Friday, November 1st.
- Homework 3: Transport has been released and will be due on Monday, October 28th.
Office Hours
- Check the calendar on the website for office hour times this week!
~ CS168 Course Staff 🦆
Week 8 Announcements
- The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT.
- Please check your email for room assignments!
- Please do not attend the midterm if you’re sick! Email if you cannot attend the midterm.
- There are no office hours or discussions this week in lieu of the midterm!
- There is also no lecture on Tuesday because of the midterm
Best of luck on the midterm!
- CS168 Course Staff 🐻
Week 7 Announcements
- Homework 2 has been released on Gradescope, and is due next Monday, October 14th.
- Project 2: Routing was due last Friday, October 4, 11:59pm PT.
- The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT
- Please check your email for room assignments!
- Spring 2024’s midterm has been released on the website!
Office hours
- Check out the calendar for the hours.
- There are no office hours next week due to the midterm on Tuesday.
- There will be no discussions next week due to the midterm!
- Unfortunately, no review sessions will be held next week due to limited staff hours.
~ CS168 Course Staff 🐍
Week 6 Announcements
- Project 2: Routing has been released and is due this Friday, October 4, 11:59pm PT.
- Homework 1 has been released on Gradescope and was due last Monday, September 30, 11:59pm PT.
- The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT
- The midterm logistics form is due Monday, September 23
- If you need DSP accommodations on the midterm, or you have a documented conflict and need to take the midterm at a different time, please fill out this form.
- You can bring one, two-sided cheat sheet to the midterm.
- A reference card with common header fields (e.g. IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP) will be provided on the midterm. We’ll publish this before the midterm so you can look at it.
Office hours
- Check out the calendar for the hours, some hours are a bit different from last week!
Office hours
- Thanks to the feedback form, we will have fewer discussion slides from now on to allow for more time on the worksheet!
~ CS168 Course Staff 🐊
Week 5 Announcements
- Project 2: Routing has been released and is due next Friday, October 4, 11:59pm PT.
- Homework 1 has been released on Gradescope and is due next Monday, September 30, 11:59pm PT.
- The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT
- The midterm logistics form is due Monday, September 23
- If you need DSP accommodations on the midterm, or you have a documented conflict and need to take the midterm at a different time, please fill out this form.
- You can bring one, two-sided cheat sheet to the midterm.
- A reference card with common header fields (e.g. IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP) will be provided on the midterm. We’ll publish this before the midterm so you can look at it.
- We will continue taking attendance at lectures for extra credit this week.
- Be sure to fill out the Google form linked on the top right of the website to earn attendance credit.
- We will still live-stream, but attending remotely does not count for credit!
- Lecture Zoom Link:, Meeting ID: 977 2242 1992, Passcode: 022040
Office hours
- Check out the calendar for the hours, some hours are a bit different from last week!
~ CS168 Course Staff 🐙
Week 4 Announcements
- Project 1A was due last Tuesday, September 10, 11:59pm PT.
- Project 1B is due next Friday, September 20, 11:59pm PT.
- Remember that you can fill out an extension should you need one!
- Check out the extension form, location at the top right of the CS168 website.
- The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT
- The midterm logistics form is due Monday, September 23
- If you need DSP accommodations on the midterm, or you have a documented conflict and need to take the midterm at a different time, please fill out this form.
- Check out the calendar for times and locations.
- Please note that Arjun’s discussion room has changed to Wheeler 204!
- Lecture attendance will be activated this week, you’ll earn extra credit if you come to lecture!
- We will still live-stream, but attending remotely does not count for credit!
- Lecture Zoom Link:, Meeting ID: 977 2242 1992, Passcode: 022040
- If you attend in-person for the whole lecture, you’ll get credit (arriving a few minutes late, or leaving a few minutes early, is ok)
Office hours
- Check out the calendar for the hours, some hours are a bit different from last week!
- Specifically, Thursday and Friday will have extended office hours to account for Project 1B!
- There’s a chance that some TAs may be online, so be aware that your ticket may be taken online even if you’re in person!
~ CS168 Course Staff 👻
Week 3 Announcements
- Project 1A is due this Tuesday, September 10, 11:59pm PT.
- Project 1B is due next Friday, September 20, 11:59pm PT.
- Remember that you can fill out an extension should you need one!
- Check out the extension form, location at the top right of the CS168 website.
- The midterm is Tuesday, October 15, 8–10pm PT
- The midterm logistics form is due Monday, September 23
- If you need DSP accommodations on the midterm, or you have a documented conflict and need to take the midterm at a different time, please fill out this form.
- Check out the calendar for times and locations.
- We will have a worksheet from now on during discussions (can be found on the CS168 Website)
- Discussion slides will be posted on the website soon.
- Both lectures will still be streamed over zoom this week! Lecture Zoom Link:, Meeting ID: 977 2242 1992, Passcode: 022040
- Attendance points for both lectures will be free again for week 3 :))
Office hours
- Check out the calendar for the hours, some hours are a bit different from last week!
- There’s a chance that some TAs may be online, so be aware that your ticket may be taken online even if you’re in person!
~ CS168 Course Staff 👻
Week 2 Announcements
- Project 1 has been released!
- Project 1A is due on Tuesday, September 10, 11:59pm PT.
- Project 1B is due on Friday, September 20, 11:59pm PT.
- Discussions will be starting this week. Check out the calendar for times and locations.
- Discussions for the first week will be relatively short (no worksheet), and will mainly go over concepts and conceptual ideas for the first project.
- Both lectures will still be streamed over zoom this week! Lecture Zoom Link:, Meeting ID: 977 2242 1992, Passcode: 022040
- This means attendance points for both lectures will be free again for this week!
Office hours
- Office hours have started this week! Check out the calendar for the hours.
~ CS168 Course Staff 🤖